Posted by: orletth | August 20, 2010

Daddy Tribute

I was browsing my eldest sister’s blog Opulent Memoirs and I came across the entry where she gave tribute to our Dad for Father’s Day. Take a look…

Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 4:14PM

Father’s Day is in 3 days and I am dedicating this post to my Daddy, William H. Haskett, my first love. I have been truly blessed to know what is means to have a father that is totally devoted to his children and family. My dad is the best! He has guided my journey into adulthood without the iron fist and dominating personality at a lot of men feel is necessary in gaining control of their families.

The most valuable lesson my father has taught me is to always strive to be the best. He is the catalyst for my overly ambitious nature as well as my entrepreneurial spirit. Everything I do is a direct result of the lessons he and my mother has ingrained in me. And I thank them wholeheartedly. 

My dad was always the peace maker in a house filled with women. Having a father’s love has allowed me to never settle for the “okey-doke” from a man. I’ve used him as a model in the man I’ve chosen to be my life partner. Having his love, understanding, and support has given me security. I am confident in my beauty because of him. His lessons on obedience and respect has made me well very flexible in how I work with others as well. 

The lessons and lectures have been many, but as a 29 year old these are the things I remember most. Here is a list of lessons I’ve had the pleasure of learning from Daddy:

  1. Life is not always fair.
  2. Work for the things you want and need.  “Hard work ain’t never hurt nobody.”
  3. Be good to people. The connections you make going up the ladder will help you tremendously on the way back down.
  4. Choose your life partner wisely. Look not just at the man, but his family. “You just don’t marry the man, you marry the family as well.”
  5. Represent yourself in a professional manner at all times. Always dress to impress. People judge you by your physical appearance first. “Always have a nice suit and a polished pair of shoes in your closet.”
  6. Don’t worry about being popular. “When you’re grown being popular doesn’t matter.”
  7. Always give back to the community in which you represent. “Give charitably, generously, and anonymously.”
  8. Learn to cook, so you won’t have to rely on someone else for food.
  9. Always remember you can come home.


 My Dad wrote me a letter that he read during our ceremony. Here is what he said:

Let the church say Amen.


I was there when your mother was yelling and I was smiling. We were so proud to see you appear. You have been a beacon of hope for our dreams and future aspirations of our family. You have set many precedents for your younger siblings, 02 and 03, to follow and to observe both the good and the bad. Today is your special day and on behalf of your mother and I you look fabulous, simply fabulous. This evening you have honored us by finally doing the right thing before your friends and other family members and we thank you. We love you and will always be there for you. In closing, may God bless and keep you.


Thanks Daddy for being the strong man you are. Your strength has made me a strong woman.

God Bless! Love You!!

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know, a book by Dr. Meg Meeker. 

1. You are the Most Important Man in Her Life 
2. She Needs a Hero 
3. You are Her First Love 
4. Teach her Humility 
5. Protect Her, Defend Her 
6. Pragmatism and Grit: Two of Your Greatest Assets 
7. Be the Man You Want Her to Marry 
8. Teach Her Who God is 
9. Teach Her to Fight 
10. Keep Her Connected

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